Friday, January 19, 2024
Zero Dark Dirty

Assemble for Zero Dark Dirty and test your skills. The course offers various obstacles and the challenge of running at night!
Zero Dark Dirty is open to everyone with the following stipulations:- Those without base access must arrange to be escorted in on race morning by an authorized base patron.
- Please do not register for the run unless this requirement has been coordinated.
- Patrons who do not make arrangements to enter Camp Pendleton will be turned away and no refund will be issued.
RegistrationActive Duty: $15
Dependent/Retirees: $30
Eligible Base Patrons: $45
Day-of: +$5
Online pre-sale: $15
Day-of: $20 Limited quantities and sizes available.
Headlamps – required
Online: $5
Day-of: $10
Bring your own Must be headlamp or flashlight – you cannot use your phone light.
- Online registration opens Nov 28 at 9am.
- Online registration closes Jan 17 at midnight.
5:00pm – Check-In and Venue Opens6:00pm – Run Start
7:30pm – Course Closes
Awards will be given to the top 3 M/F finishers across the line.This event is not timed (finish line will have a clock).
All runners will receive a "Grab ‘n Go" goody bag as they finish the run filled with sponsor items, nutrition, and a finisher medal.RULES
- 13+ age limit (for safety, please adhere to the age limit)
- No headphones/ear buds allowed
- HEADLAMPS REQUIRED – No exceptions
- No strollers due to rough terrain
- Event is held rain or shine (unless deemed unsafe)
- Pendleton Races has the right to modify the course if necessary for safety or base training exercises
Main GateI-5 Northbound
Take the Vandegrift/Camp Pendleton exit.
I-5 Southbound
Take the Vandegrift/Harbor Drive exit and turn left.
Enter the main gate and continue on Vandegrift for approximately 8 miles.
Turn left at Santa Margarita Road.
Turn right at Lake O'Neill Road and follow event signs to parking area.
San Luis Rey Gate
Enter the gate and proceed approximately 4 miles on Vandegrift.
Turn right at Santa Margarita Road.
Turn right at Lake O'Neill Road and follow event signs to parking area.
Stay connected and share your Zero Dark Dirty experience with us.
@hcrscp | @semperfitcp