Military Onesource

Military Onesource

Along with resources provided at the duty station, such as counselors, chaplains, and other advisors, Military OneSource can also support Service members and their families.

Military OneSource,, is your connection to information, answers, and support when Marine Corps life happens. We can help you overcome challenges, reach your goals, and thrive.

Military OneSource is a free service to Marines (active duty, veteran, wounded/ill/injured), attached sailors, family, and naval personnel supporting Marine Units. The Military OneSource Line is a confidential phone and chat support service that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


The goal of the Military OneSource confidential support services is to help callers manage stress in all forms, ranging from relationship and career issues, to deployment and financial problems, and develop the necessary skills required to cope with the widely-varying challenges of life in the Corps.

A few of the types of help available:

  • Relationship counseling
  • Non-medical counseling for stress relief
  • Financial counseling
  • Document translation
  • Spouse scholarships, education and career benefits
  • Child care options
  • Permanent change of station moves

Learn more about what happens when you use Military OneSource support services.

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