Planning for the Transition to Civilian Life
What is the Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS)?
TRS features a robust, life-cycle process that includes a proactive planning experience that emphasizes post-transition goals 365 days before a Marine’s end of active service (EAS) or retirement.
When Should I Begin?
The Transition Readiness Seminar is a week-long program required by Title 10 for all active duty and reserve Marines who have served a minimum of 180 consecutive days on active duty. Marines are encouraged to begin TRS within 18-12-months of their EAS or within 24 months of their retirement but no later than (NLT) 180 days from EAS or retirement (per MARADMIN 632/19 and MCO 1700.31).
The five major steps include:
Step 1: Initial Counseling (Completed NLT 365 Days from EAS)
Step 2: Pre-Separation Counseling (Completed NLT 365 Days from EAS)
Step 3: Transition Readiness Seminar (Completed NLT 180 Days from EAS)
Step 4: Capstone Review (Completed NLT 120 days from EAS)
Step 5: Commander’s Verification (Completed NLT 90 days from EAS)
Initial & Pre-separation Counseling
The Individualized Initial Counseling requirement is required NLT 365 days prior to EAS and retirement. Marines must complete Individualized Initial Counseling, in-person, with a Personal and Professional Development (P&PD) staff member. During this Initial Counseling, Marines will be placed into one of three pathways according to their transition goals. Marines will then be directed on how to complete the existing Pre-separation Counseling workshop requirement. Both items must be completed NLT 365 days prior to EAS.
Transition Readiness Seminar Courses
- One day of Department of Defense facilitated training
- One day of Veteran Affairs Benefits and Services
- One day of Department of Labor employment preparation
- One (two-day) workshop as selected by Marines during their Initial Counseling
Workshop options include employment, education, vocational training or entrepreneurship; frequency will vary throughout Marine Corps installations and are based on available resources.
Capstone Review
Marines are required to meet with their Transition Readiness Advisor to review the completion of all mandated Career Readiness Standards and discuss transition plans. At the conclusion of Capstone Review, your DD Form 2648 will be forwarded to your commander or commander’s designee for their verification.
Commander’s Verification
At Commander’s Verification, your commander or designee will validate your overall preparedness to transition and will conduct any warm handoffs to any services or resources, based on your transition plan.
For further information on TRS, review MARADMIN 632/19, watch 5 Steps to Success: Transition Readiness Seminar Requirements, or contact your local installation’s Transition Readiness Program.