Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What policy governs All-Marine Sports? |
A: DoD Directive 1330.4 allows Marines to participate in Armed Forces, National, and International sports activities. A Marine Corps Order pertaining to sports is currently being drafted. |
Q: Who is eligible for the All-Marine Sports Program? |
A: The total force, with the exception of Inactive Ready Reservist (IRR), are eligible to participate on All-Marine Sports teams (active duty and active reserve). Reservist must be places on orders (ADOS/similar) by their command to participate and receive TAD funds for travel from HQMC. |
Q: Who pays for the TAD? |
A: HQMC All-Marine Sports will fund all travel (flights/rentals/lodging/meals and incidentals) for Trial Camps, Armed Forces and higher level competition. |
Q: What happens if a Marine is selected to an All-Marine Trial Camp? |
A: All-Marine Sports generates a selection message and sends it to each Marine selected. The selection message will give travel details for creating Defense Travel System (DTS) orders. All-Marine Sports will contact each Marine selected to ensure that they have access to the All-Marine Sports Line of Accounting (LOA) for their DTS orders. Each Marine will be responsible for creating their DTS authorization and signing it so that All-Marine Sports can approve the travel. Government Travel Card use is mandatory for required travel and centrally billed accounts will not be authorized. Marines are also responsible for creating and singing their travel voucher within five days of returning form TAD. |
Q: What happens if a Marine is selected to an All-Marine Trial Camp? |
A: All-Marine Sports generates a selection message and sends it to each Marine selected. The selection message will give travel details for creating Defense Travel System (DTS) orders. All-Marine Sports will contact each Marine selected to ensure that they have access to the All-Marine Sports Line of Accounting (LOA) for their DTS orders. Each Marine will be responsible for creating their DTS authorization and signing it so that All-Marine Sports can approve the travel. Government Travel Card use is mandatory for required travel and centrally billed accounts will not be authorized. Marines are also responsible for creating and singing their travel voucher within five days of returning form TAD. |
Q: What if my Commander needs a Marine back early from an All-Marine Sports competition? |
A: If the Commander needs a Marine back early for mission requirements, the All-Marine Sports Office will attempt to make travel arrangements to have the Marine back within 24 hours. This return cost may be the responsibility of the command. |
Q: If selected will a Marine receive PCS orders or change my MOS? |
A: This is a short term Temporary Assigned Duty (TAD) opportunity (4 days to 2 months depending on the sport and your selection for higher competitions). This is not a change in MOS or PCS opportunity. |
Q: When will Marines be notified to "Try Out"? |
A: Selections will be made to attend Trial Camp from the information provided in the applications and contacting references. Notifications will be made approximately two (2) weeks following the application deadline through a selection message. Marines must be in peak physical condition to compete immediately. Even though an athlete is selected to the Trial Camp, as the Trial Camp proceeds "cuts" will be made to get down to the final roster to represent the Marine Corps in the Armed Forces Championships. From the Armed Forces Championships, an All-Armed Forces team will be selected to participate in either a national or international competition (if applicable). |
Q: What do Marines need to bring to Trial Camp? |
A: Specific requirements for each Trial Camp vary by sport and location. The head coach will reach out to the Marines selected prior to travel and provide a list of required items. In addition, each Marine is required to bring a pair of khaki pants, belt, and dress shoes. |
Q: Does the All-Marine Running Program have a Trial Camp? |
A: No, the All-Marine Running Program does not have an official Trial Camp. The All-Marine Running Program accepts applications year round. |
Q: Can a Marine participate in a Trial Camp if on leave? |
A: No, participation while in a leave status is prohibited. |
Q: Can a Marine participate while on Terminal Leave status? |
A: No, you have to be in an active status to participate. |
Q: Can a Marine take leave on the front or back of TAD? |
A: Marines must obtain Commander’s approval for leave prior to creating DTS orders (except for emergency situations) and include leave details in DTS authorization. |
Q: What if my question is not answered here? |
A: You can send an email to: |
Q: What policy governs All-Marine Sports? |
A: DoD Directive 1330.4 allows Marines to participate in Armed Forces, National, and International sports activities. A Marine Corps Order pertaining to sports is currently being drafted. |
Q: Who is eligible for the All-Marine Sports Program? |
A: The total force, with the exception of Inactive Ready Reservist (IRR), are eligible to participate on All-Marine Sports teams (active duty and active reserve). Reservist must be places on orders (ADOS/similar) by their command to participate and receive TAD funds for travel from HQMC. |
Q: What sports are included in the All-Marine Sports Program? |
A: All sports listed on the All-Marine Sports calendar are currently offered. |
Q: My sport is not listed, can it be added? |
A: The inventory of sports is determined by Armed Forces Sports calendar, as established by the Armed Forces Sports Council, for each year. If you have a sport you would like to propose for inclusion please contact the All-Marine Sports Office and the feasibility of the sport will be determined. |
Q: If selected will I receive PCS orders or change my MOS? |
A: This is a short term Temporary Assigned Duty (TAD) opportunity (4 days to 2 months depending on the sport and your selection for higher competitions). This is not a change in MOS or PCS opportunity. |
Q: Who pays for the TAD? |
A: HQMC All-Marine Sports will fund all travel (flights/rentals/lodging/meals and incidentals) for Trial Camps, Armed Forces and higher level competition. |
Q: How do I apply for All-Marine Sports? |
A: Download the application and submit the completed and signed application to Submit your application NLT the closing date identified on the MARADMIN. |
Q: What do I do if the application doesn’t populate when I click start application: |
A: Click the download button in the upper right of the screen and save the document to your computer, then open it from your computer. |
Q: When are applications due? |
A: In order to be considered for the first/primary selections for a Trial Camp, your application must be submitted to prior to the deadline noted. Specific deadline dates are listed on the application site and corresponding MARADMIN. |
Q: Can I send additional paperwork with my application? |
A: Yes. You can send supporting documents with your application. |
Q: What if my Commander needs me back early from an All-Marine Sports competition? |
A: If the Commander needs a Marine back early for mission requirements, the All-Marine Sports Office will attempt to make travel arrangements to have the Marine back within 24 hours. This return cost may be the responsibility of the command. |
Q: When will I be notified to "Try Out"? |
A: Selections will be made to attend Trial Camp from the information provided in the applications and contacting references. Notifications will be made approximately two (2) weeks following the application deadline through a selection message. Marines must be in peak physical condition to compete immediately. Even though an athlete is selected to the Trial Camp, as the Trial Camp proceeds "cuts" will be made to get down to the final roster to represent the Marine Corps in the Armed Forces Championships. From the Armed Forces Championships, an All-Armed Forces team will be selected to participate in either a national or international competition (if applicable). |
Q: What happens if I am selected to an All-Marine Trial Camp? |
A: All-Marine Sports generates a selection message and sends it to each Marine selected. The selection message will give travel details for creating Defense Travel System (DTS) orders. All-Marine Sports will contact each Marine selected to ensure that they have access to the All-Marine Sports Line of Accounting (LOA) for their DTS orders. Each Marine will be responsible for creating their DTS authorization and signing it so that All-Marine Sports can approve the travel. Government Travel Charge Card use is mandatory for required travel and centrally billed accounts will not be authorized. Marines are also responsible for creating and signing their travel voucher within five days of returning form TAD. |
Q: Does the All-Marine Running Program have a Trial Camp? |
A: No, the All-Marine Running Program does not have an official Trial Camp. The All-Marine Running Program accepts application year round. |
Q: What do I need to bring to Trial Camp? |
A: Specific requirements for each Trial Camp vary by sport and location. The head coach will reach out to the Marines selected prior to travel and provide a list of required items. In addition, each Marine is required to bring a pair of khaki pants, belt, and dress shoes. |
Q: Can I participate in a Trial Camp if I am on leave? |
A: No, participation while in a leave status is prohibited. |
Q: Can I participate while on Terminal Leave status? |
A: No, you have to be in active status to participate. |
Q: Can I take leave on the front or back of TAD? |
A: Marines must obtain Commander’s approval for leave prior to creating DTS orders (except for emergency situations) and include leave details in DTS authorization. |
Q: I’ve filled out the application now what do I do? |
A: Based on the information provided on your application, All-Marine Sports will select candidates to participate in Trial Camp. (Make sure your application is complete, decisions are made based on what is on the application). Submitting an application does not guarantee selection to Trial Camp. |
Q: What if my question is not answered here? |
A: You can send an email to: |
Q: What policy governs All-Marine Sports? |
A: DoD Directive 1330.4 allows Marines to participate in Armed Forces, National, and International sports activities. A Marine Corps Order pertaining to sports is currently being drafted. |
Q: Who is eligible for the All-Marine Sports Program? |
A: The total force, with the exception of Inactive Ready Reservist (IRR), are eligible to participate on All-Marine Sports teams (active duty and active reserve). Reservist must be places on orders (ADOS/similar) by their command to participate and receive TAD funds for travel from HQMC. |
Q: What sports are included in the All-Marine Sports Program? |
A: All sports listed on the All-Marine Sports calendar are currently offered. |
Q: My sport is not listed, can it be added? |
A: The inventory of sports is determined by Armed Forces Sports calendar, as established by the Armed Forces Sports Council, for each year. If you have a sport you would like to propose for inclusion please contact the All-Marine Sports Office and the feasibility of the sport will be determined. |
Q: If selected will I receive PCS orders or change my MOS? |
A: This is a short term Temporary Assigned Duty (TAD) opportunity (4 days to 2 months depending on the sport and your selection for higher competitions). This is not a change in MOS or PCS opportunity. |
Q: Who pays for the TAD? |
A: HQMC All-Marine Sports will fund all travel (flights/rentals/lodging/meals and incidentals) for Trial Camps, Armed Forces and higher level competition. |
Q: How do I apply for All-Marine Sports? |
A: Download the application and submit the completed and signed application to Submit your application NLT the closing date identified on the MARADMIN. |
Q: What do I do if the application doesn’t populate when I click start application: |
A: Click the download button in the upper right of the screen and save the document to your computer, then open it from your computer. |
Q: When are applications due? |
A: In order to be considered for the first/primary selections for a Trial Camp, your application must be submitted to prior to the deadline noted. Specific deadline dates are listed on the application site and corresponding MARADMIN. |
Q: Can I send additional paperwork with my application? |
A: Yes. You can send supporting documents with your application. |
Q: What if my Commander needs me back early from an All-Marine Sports competition? |
A: If the Commander needs a Marine back early for mission requirements, the All-Marine Sports Office will attempt to make travel arrangements to have the Marine back within 24 hours. This return cost may be the responsibility of the command. |
Q: What happens if I am selected to Coach? |
A: All-Marine Sports generates a selection message and sends it to each Marine selected. The selection message will give travel details for creating Defense Travel System (DTS) orders. All-Marine Sports will contact each Marine selected to ensure that they have access to the All-Marine Sports Line of Accounting (LOA) for their DTS orders. Each Marine will be responsible for creating their DTS authorization and signing it so that All-Marine Sports can approve the travel. Government Travel Charge Card use is mandatory for required travel and centrally billed accounts will not be authorized. Marines are also responsible for creating and singing their travel voucher within five days of returning form TAD. |
Q: What are my responsibilities as a “Coach”? |
Q: What do I need to bring to Trial Camp? |
A: As the coach it is you’re responsible to provide the specific requirements for each Trial Camp to the Marines selected prior to travel. In addition, each Marine is required to bring a pair of khaki pants, belt, and dress shoes. |
Q: Can be the coach if I am on leave? |
A: No, participation while in a leave status is prohibited. |
Q: Can I coach while on Terminal Leave status? |
A: No, you have to be in an active status to participate. |
Q: Can I take leave on the front or back of TAD? |
A: Marines must obtain Commander’s approval for leave prior to creating DTS orders (except for emergency situations) and include leave details in DTS authorization. |
Q: I’ve filled out the application now what do I do? |
A: Based on the information provided on your application, All-Marine Sports will select candidates to participate in Trial Camp. (Make sure your application is complete, decisions are made based on what is on the application). Submitting an application does not guarantee selection to coach. |
Q: What if my question is not answered here? |
A: You can send an email to |
Q: What policy governs All-Marine Sports? |
A: DoD Directive 1330.4 allows Marines to participate in Armed Forces, National, and International sports activities. A Marine Corps Order pertaining to sports is currently being drafted. |
Q: Who is eligible for the All-Marine Sports Program? |
A: The total force, with the exception of Inactive Ready Reservist (IRR), are eligible to participate on All-Marine Sports teams (active duty and active reserve). Reservist must be places on orders (ADOS/similar) by their command to participate and receive TAD funds for travel from HQMC. |
Q: If selected will a Marine receive PCS orders or change to their MOS? |
A: This is a short term Temporary Assigned Duty (TAD) opportunity (4 days to 2 months depending on the sport and your selection for higher competitions). This is not a change in MOS or PCS opportunity. |
Q: Who pays for the TAD? |
A: HQMC All-Marine Sports will fund all travel (flights/rentals/lodging/meals and incidentals) for Trial Camps, Armed Forces and higher level competition. |
Q: What if I need a Marine back early from an All-Marine Sports competition? |
A: If you need a Marine back early for mission requirements, the All-Marine Sports Office will attempt to make travel arrangements to have the Marine back within 24 hours. This return cost may be the responsibility of the command. |
Q: When will Marines be notified to "Try Out"? |
A: Selections will be made to attend Trial Camp from the information provided in the applications and contacting references. Notifications will be made approximately two (2) weeks following the application deadline through a selection message. Marines must be in peak physical condition to compete immediately. Even though an athlete is selected to the Trial Camp, as the Trial Camp proceeds "cuts" will be made to get down to the final roster to represent the Marine Corps in the Armed Forces Championships. From the Armed Forces Championships, an all championship team will be selected to participate in either a national or international competition (if applicable). |
Q: What happens if a Marine is selected to an All-Marine Trial Camp? |
A: All-Marine Sports generates a selection message and sends it to each Marine selected. The selection message will give travel details for creating Defense Travel System (DTS) orders. All-Marine Sports will contact each Marine selected to ensure that they have access to the All-Marine Sports Line of Accounting (LOA) for their DTS orders. Each Marine will be responsible for creating their DTS authorization and signing it so that All-Marine Sports can approve the travel. Government Travel Charge Card use is mandatory for required travel and centrally billed accounts will not be authorized. Marines are also responsible for creating and signing their travel voucher within five days of returning form TAD. |
Q: What do Marines need to bring to Trial Camp? |
A: Specific requirements for each Trial Camp vary by sport and location. The head coach will reach out to the Marines selected prior to travel and provide a list of required items. In addition, each Marine is required to bring a pair of khaki pants, belt, and dress shoes. |
Q: Can a Marine participate in a Trial Camp if they are on leave? |
A: No, participation while in a leave status is prohibited. |
Q: Can a Marine participate while on Terminal Leave status? |
A: No, they have to be in an active status to participate. |
Q: Can a Marine take leave on the front or back of TAD? |
A: Marines must obtain Commander’s approval for leave prior to creating DTS orders (except for emergency situations) and include leave details in DTS authorization. |
Q: What if my question is not answered here? |
A: You can send an email to: |
Additional Sport Opportunities
Athletes of the Year
The Marine Corps is searching for its top Marine athletes. Marines who have excelled in intramural, varsity, All-Marine, national, and international competitions will be considered for the 2024 Male and Female Athletes of the Year.
Competitions must comply with the amateur regulations within nationally recognized governing bodies or affiliated organizations within the US Olympic Committee. Applications must include a professional biography encompassing the Marine’s calendar year accomplishments in the sport and professional Marine Corps background.
Athletes must provide published or final results, such as time and scores associated with the sport the applicant participated in within the 2024 calendar year. Please download the application and email the completed form to
All applications are due to HQMC Semper Fit no later than February 14, 2024. The applicant’s commanding officer (O5 level Command or higher) must endorse the application.
U.S. Armed Forces Sport
The Armed Forces Sports (AFS) program was officially established in 1948 as the Inter-service Sports Council (ISSC). The AFS program is the culmination of each branch of Services' sports and fitness program. The AFS program offers 25 men and women team and individual sports; annually conducts 16 Armed Forces Sports Championships and 9 qualifying events/Trial Camps; participates in 9 U.S. national championships and 16 CISM Military World Championships. Visit the AFS website.Conseil International du Sport Militaire (CISM)
Conseil International du Sport Militaire (CISM)
CISM is the second largest multi-sport discipline organization after the International Olympic Committee. They represent the highest level of military athletic competitiveness and organize various sporting events for the Armed Forces of their 136 member countries. U.S. Armed Forces Sports is the organization that represents the U.S. Armed Service sports teams at the CISM level.All-Marine Sports
All-Marine Sports enable exceptional Marine athletes to compete at higher level competitions to include Armed Forces Championships, National Championships, Conseil International du Sport Militaire (CISM) Championships, and the Olympics. The All-Marine Sports program has produced multiple athletes that are nationally ranked and have gone on to perform in the Olympics.
All-Marine Sports Standard Test Events
Scores for the following events are required for applications to be considered for participation. Click on the event name for more information and how to correctly perform the event.
Three Repetition Maximum (3RM) – PDF
One Repetition Maximum (RM) - Website

3RM Bench
More Information
- 3RM Bench Press – Video
- Execution Bench Press – PDF
- Teaching Guide Bench - PDF

More Information
Most current running times for:
- Three mile
- 880 yard