5 Reasons Why Your Child Should Be Playing Sports
The National Alliance for Youth Sports believes that participation in sports and activities develops important character traits and lifelong values in children which can create a positive impact in their lives. Youth Sports programs at your installation seek to make the sports experience for all children safe, fun and healthy. Programs promote the value and importance of sports and physical activities in the emotional, physical, social, and mental development of children. Here are five reasons why you should sign your child up for youth sports today.
Sports boost self-esteem
Children learn to be confident on the field. Seeing their hard work pay off has a positive impact on their self-esteem. When kids achieve their goals on the field it teaches them they can achieve any other goal they set later in life.
Playing sports helps develop teamwork and leadership skills
Working as a team to reach a common goal helps children develop communication and problem solving skills that will benefit them on the field and off.
It’s a natural stress reliever
Exercise is a great way for kids to loosen up and let go. Sports also help kids develop tight bonds with their teammates which will provide them with a support system.
Kids develop lifelong healthy lifestyle habits
Regular physical activity improves a child’s fitness and helps them to stay in shape.
It’s fun!
The memories made playing youth sports will last a lifetime. You may forget the name of your 6th grade Science teacher, but the memory of scoring the winning goal in the Youth Soccer Championship will always stay with you.
Want to learn more about what Youth Sports programs are available on your installation? Click here for more information.Back to school is just around the corner — if it hasn't started already! That means school sports are also on the horizon.